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September 4th from 14:00 to 15:30 CET
online via zoom


HPC webinar for SMEs. Best practices in high-performance computing from Central Europe

We invite entrepreneurs to a webinar where we will present specific examples from Central Europe showing how HPC, or large-scale computing, is driving growth.

Join us for an insightful webinar designed to showcase the transformative potential of High-Performance Computing (HPC) through real-world success stories and compelling projects realized with the support of the National Competence Centres (NCCs). This event aims to highlight the practical applications of HPC, demonstrating its impact and inspiring SMEs and industry partners to embark on collaborative Proof of Concept (PoC) and pilot projects.

You will learn about the knowledge and experience of the National Competence Centers for HPC from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Speakers from these countries will talk about solutions using artificial intelligence, machine learning, including deep learning or CFD, among others:

Michal Pitoňák, Slovak National Supercomputing Center, Senior HPC application developer;
Tomáš Karásek: IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, Parallel Algorithms Research Lab, Czech Republic
Szymon Mazurek, Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH, AI developer, NCC Poland.

New Poland Open Hackathon date

Hackathon date has changed! We would like to invite you to the “Poland Open Hackathon” organized on October 22-31, 2024 by the Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH in cooperation with PLGrid Infrastructure, Polish National Competence Centre in HPC, and NVIDIA.

The goal of the Open Hackathon is for computational scientists to port, accelerate, and optimize their scientific applications to modern computer architectures, including CPUs, GPUs, and other computing technologies. Participating teams should leave the event either with their applications accelerated and/or optimized on the latest supercomputing hardware or with a clear roadmap of the next steps needed to leverage these resources.

This hackathon is open to everyone looking to take their projects to the next level; however, priority acceptance will be given to PLGrid-affiliated scientists and their collaborators. We highly encourage users from the industry level and public administration to participate in this event.

More details about the event and the registration form (deadline: August 26, 2024) can be found HERE.

More information on this web page.

Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any questions at


POP3 Profiling and Optimisation Tools – 46th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop

The POP3 CoE, NCC Austria, NCC Czechia, NCC Hungary, NCC Poland, NCC Slovakia and NCC Slovenia are inviting you to the POP3 Profiling and Optimisation Tools Workshop, which will be held online and onsite on September 4–6, 2024.

This workshop focuses on tools and methodologies for performance analysis, debugging, and tuning through collaborative learning, particularly for teams working on similar codes.

The first day introduces the POP Centre of Excellence (CoE) and its performance assessment tools. Day two covers open-source multi-platform tools for MPI+OpenMP on CPUs, while day three focuses on advanced usage for CPU and GPU architectures. Participants will learn to use Paraver/Extrae for tracing and analysis and Scalasca/Score-P/CUBE for integrated performance analysis and tuning. Additional POP CoE tools will also be available.

Date: 4–6 September 2024, 9 am to 5 pm
Registration deadline: 28 August 2024
Venue: online via Zoom, on-site at IT4Innovations
Language: English.

About collaboriation at the ASHPC 2024

NCC Poland representatives took part in Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024 (#ASHPC24). The conference was held in the picturesque lakeside town of Grundlsee in the Austrian region of Styria from June 10-13, 2024, and was dedicated to supercomputing, large-scale computing and artificial intelligence.

The #ASHPC24 brings together supercomputing professionals from Central Europe. It’s an opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss the latest trends in HPC, or large-scale computing, and their application in both science and industry. It’s also an opportunity to develop cooperation between national HPC competence centers.

Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka, PhD of CI TASK presented the concept of coopetition on the ground of national HPC competence centers in a poster session. Co-opetition is the cooperation of institutions that usually compete with each other. Meanwhile, Wiktor Nastał from WCSS spoke about automating access to OpenID Connect services from Linux systems.

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